Oh man. I can't tell you how rough this week has been on me. There haven't been a lot of things that have made it that way; just a couple of big things that have made it hard. For the last three days, my little Leo hasn't been wanting to eat more than 2-4 minutes at feeding time. And he'll only eat on one side. This is so frustrating because before Monday he would eat on both sides for at least 10 minutes. He finally ate 5 minutes on each side this last time. I've called the doctor and the lacation nurse. They don't have any ideas because he isn't having any other problems besides not wanting to eat. He is perfect in between. He doesn't act hungry and he is going to the bathroom regulary like always! The lactation nurse said it could just be an "eating strike". The nurse at the doctor said to try giving him a couple oz of formula to make sure he'd eat something. He did, of course, and now he is broken out in hives. He must be allergic. I'll have to call the doctor AGAIN! This will be my third time this week. However, he kid is soo perfectly content. It is driving me NUTS! I'm stressing out about it. My mom said to stop because he'll be able to sense it. I can't help but worry though. On the bright side, this whole ordeal finally made me go out and by a good breast pump. I pumped 3 oz in 5 minutes this afternoon!!!! Can you believe that? Okay, okay enough with the breast feeding talk. I guess I'm just making a HUGE deal about it because breast feeding was the one thing I really wanted to do and do well.
The other thing is that Kyle is trying to fix some things on the house we are trying to buy in order to get the FHA loan approved so he is gone in the evenings. And even when he is home, the evening goes by soooooooo fast. He gets home at 5:30 and then all the sudden it is 10:00 pm! I can't wait until he is done studying for this next exam. He needs to take a day off (for my sake).
On top of everything, my house is a complete disaster. I am a clean freak. I enjoy cleaning and to have a house in the condition that mine is right now is seriously driving me nuts. This is one of my favorite times of year: spring cleaning and I don't have time for it. I guess moving will have to be it.
I'm sure half of this is very poorly written. Sorry, but I have baby brain syndrome and don't feel like proof reading.
Hey, lucky for you, I love to clean as well and am feeling the best I ever have in a long time!! If you ever want an extra pair of hands to help out with things around the house, just give me a call!!
Hey girl, Hang in their. U just have a lot going on right now. I remember those days all to well. I'll pray that you will make it through this stressful time and that baby leo will go off his hunger strike. I never had a good breast pump and looking back I really should've bought one. If you ever want someone to listen u can always give me a call. Macie and I can come help out. love ya
Isn't it so frustrating!? At least you have a good pump so that you don't either engorge or dry up on the one side he won't eat from. Hang in there - nursing sometimes has fall backs but hopefully things will get back to normal for you. I know what you mean about clutter. I've got boxes and boxes stacked everywhere so I can't fully clean or feel like the house is completely clutter free!
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