Thursday, April 30, 2009

Teething? Already?

It's 8:15 in the morning. I'm exhausted. I've got Leo in one arm asleep and praying he just will stay like this for a little longer. Why, you ask? I'm afraid that when he wakes up that I'll have another 10 minutes of uncolsolable crying and screaming before he even begins to calm down. It's been like that for the last two mornings but today it started much earlier at 5:00 am and was much much worse. After two to three weeks of getting up 3-5 times night I thought I should do something to try some online tips to get him to sleep. But this morning, I decided to look deeper into the this problem. So, I looked up signs of infant teething and my conclusion is that at three months of age my sweet little baby has been turned into what a feared most, a not so sweet baby boy, by what may become the death of me...TEETHING! I think.

Many of Leo's sypmtoms are similar to the ones I've been reading. It would explain a lot. The insane drooling. The constant chewing on of hands, my arm, and toys. The whining. The many late night waking when just a few weeks ago he was sleeping beautifully. The cold like syptoms of a runny nose and cough.

He's only three months! I know babies can teeth this early but geesh! I had teeth by the time I was 6 months. Three months! It shouldn't happen this early simply because mothers can't handle seeing their little ones suffer like this. It breaks my heart.

Any suggestions for me? Does it sound like teething? I haven't been able to get a good look at his gums yet. Any good remedies to help him with the pain? Help!


Jeni Allen said...

Alyssa, Mac and Meagan all got their first tooth in their third month. Crazy I know! The best thing I found was baby motrin. Also, if he gets to irritable, take him in. You never know when an ear infection or sore throat is ailing them, they can't tell you. It's well worth whatever copay you have to pay for the piece of mind.

Melissa said...

I agree with the first comment. Tylenol, baby orajel (sp?), cold teethers. It does sound like teething symptoms. We have been going through some of that again. Mia is getting some molars (really fun). We've been giving her tylenol before bed and putting orajel on her gums and that helps her sleep through the night. Good luck. Just so you know, Mia teethed like that for two or more weeks before her first tooth actually broke through.

Kris said...

Yes, if the symptoms get too bad, like a fever, he might have some kind of sickness, and I've learned that a doctor bill isn't a big deal if it means a happy baby! Also, like Melissa said, his teeth may be pushing up through his gums for a while before they even hit the surface and show, so you may not see any teeth for a while. Hope he starts feeling better and that you can get some peace and rest!!

Ginger Kirk said...

A friend of mine said her baby had 3 teeth by the time she was three months! Poor Leo. Poor Kelly! Hang in there!

candy's clothes closet said...

Briley got her 1st tooth at like 4mths. My kids were never as sad as it sounds like Leo may be. A trip to the dr. might be a good idea. Also a little baby orajel goes a long way. good luck. we will be at gary and carol's on Sunday.