Friday, August 7, 2009

Alphabet Photography Project

I really should be doing something else rather than blogging. You know, like laundry or taking a shower but I've been wanting to blog about this project I've (and a whole bunch of other people) been working on.

At church this summer, one of the sisters decided to teach some photography classes. One of the classes was this Alphabet Imagination class were we looked for letters of the alphabet in everyday things. It was a callabortive effort by all the sisters to get as many letters as we could and then we would share them with each other. Here are some of my letters.











You can use these to spell out different words or names and then frame them. I've seen these at store and they are soooo expensive. I plan on making an alphabet book for our living room and I want to frame a word such as FAMILY or BELIEVE or FAITH. It was a fun project to do. I keep seeing letters in everything!


Christina Allen said...

How fun! You're going to have me seeing letters everywhere now!

grace said...

I LOVE these! I've seen them in stores too and always get so disappointed when I see the price tag. :(
Can't wait to see a finished product!

candy's clothes closet said...

I too have seen these and loved them. It would be cool to make one that says Leon for his room! I love the pics of your letters! Those would make awesome gifts!