Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kyle's Birthday

Kyle's birthday was a couple of weeks ago, so we had a little family celebration at our house.

Kyle with his nieces and nephews and of course Leon. Just look at Leon...he has no interested in anything but that cake! You may not be able to see it so well in this small photo but he is going in to get some icing.

Leon loves his cousin Hadyen.

Although I clearly said "NO!", Kyle still gave Leon a little taste of some strawberry icing.

The photo business has been pretty slow this year compared to normal. I was dying to take some photos so I got these wonderful kids to help me out. I loved how they just giggled while I took this shot.

I love this one.

Cori, Christina, and Lily...who didn't really like the idea of sitting still and getting her picture taken with mommy and daddy.

Little Harrison in Leon's johnny jumper. May I remind you that Harrison is 2? He looked pretty silly but he loved it. He is so stinking adorable.
We had so much fun with everyone. It was our first time having everybody over at our house. Leon also LOVED having everyone over. He didn't whine one bit while everybody was over.


Jeni Allen said...

Happy Birthday Kyle! What a good looking cake Kelly! The photos of all the nieces and nephews turned out adorable. We're hoping to make it to Indiana in the Spring! Maybe we'll have a sleepover at your house one night! Miss you guys! Can't wait to meet Leon!

Kris said...

We had so much fun there! Your living room is AWESOME for natural lighting! You are going to have such a cute house once you get everything done you would like to do. I love the pictures of the kids outside and seeing that picture of Harrison just cracks me up!