Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Momma Sonny and Baby Jared

I had the fortune of taking some newborn photos for my friend Sonny. I'm hoping to do some more sometime soon. Here are some of my fav's:

I also helped Sonny make a baby announcement to send out. Here is the finished product. Cute, huh?

I'm dying to do more baby/children sessions! Please contact me if you want your little ones to have some portraits taken!


nicole said...

yeah kelly, come on out and take some pictures of my boys! oh, if only...miss you.

Hall Family said...

Kelly, you are so amazing and I feel truly blessed to have such a talented friend that is so willing to share with me! THANK YOU!!! I hope the fall weather clears up for you soon so you can get some more amazing photos of your little man!