Monday, January 19, 2009

I Love Pancakes

So I've been feeling a little sorry for myself this morning, so I decided I would make myself my favorite breakfast. Pancakes. Oh, how I love pancakes. This love has only developed recently but I'm always atonished on how great this love is! This morning I was very creative with my pancakes. I had chocolate chip pancakes with peanut butter, banannas, and syrup on top. It was delightful, however I'm sure it will add a couple of pounds to the scale. I love all pancakes; pancakes with fruit, different kinds of syrup, chocolate chips, with whip cream, etc. Oh but my all time favorite I haven't had since I was a teenager. My grandma Susie would make the yummiest blue berry pancakes with homemade blue berry syrup. Mmmmm. She would get the blue berries fresh from the vine. Oh, how I miss those blue berry pancakes! Oh, how I miss her cooking! She is an amazing cook. She now lives in Idaho which means I never get to have anything she cooks. They should move back home to Indiana. I miss them.

What is your favorite kind of pancake?


Jeni Allen said...

Oh Kelly, I'm so sorry Leo hasn't come yet. But you'll see all this waiting is worth it in the end. I love pancakes too! I love traditional with maple syrup!

Kris said...

I'd have to say I love mine with homemade strawberry jam and whipped cream!

The Army Allen's said...

awwww Come on Leo, bust outta there buddy! hehe Yay for pancakes tho! Just plain blueberry pancakes with butter and syrup for me here yums